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Energy Funding Matrix

Unleashing American energy has become a key focus of the current administration. Meanwhile, some opportunities from earlier pieces of legislation, such as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) and Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) which created dozens of grant, loan and financing programs for renewable energies, are still available. These opportunities were sourced across agencies and collected in a central location to ensure you find the relevant grant, loan, or financing program that fits your organization’s energy goals. MLS and Mintz have developed a funding matrix that serves as an aggregate resource to help you leverage federal dollars in your energy efforts. This matrix is updated on a bi-weekly basis.

Opportunity Type Opportunity Federal Office Technologies Description Submission Deadline
FOA fixed deadline Rural Energy for America Program (Section 22002)

Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018, IRA, DOA

Biofuels, Conservation, and Wastewater, Building Energy Efficiency, Geothermal, Hydroelectric, Hydrogen, Solar, Wind

The Department of Agriculture's Rural Energy for America ("REAP") program provides guaranteed loan financing and grant funding to agricultural producers and rural small businesses for renewable energy systems or to make energy efficiency improvements. Up to $300 million of grant and loan guarantee funding has been announced under Section 22002 of REAP and 3,000 awards are expected.

FOA fixed deadline Regional Partnerships for Geothermal Data



The overall intent of this initiative is to accelerate the responsible deployment of geothermal energy in multiple underdeveloped regions of the U.S. by addressing specific barriers to deployment in each area. These barriers include a lack of adequate public data to guide and incentivize geothermal exploration activities, financial barriers that impede exploratory drilling and limited technical expertise in certain stakeholder organizations.