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Energy Funding Matrix

Unleashing American energy has become a key focus of the current administration. Meanwhile, some opportunities from earlier pieces of legislation, such as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) and Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) which created dozens of grant, loan and financing programs for renewable energies, are still available. These opportunities were sourced across agencies and collected in a central location to ensure you find the relevant grant, loan, or financing program that fits your organization’s energy goals. MLS and Mintz have developed a funding matrix that serves as an aggregate resource to help you leverage federal dollars in your energy efforts. This matrix is updated on a bi-weekly basis.

Opportunity Type Opportunity Federal Office Technologies Description Submission Deadline
FOA fixed deadline Carbon Utilization Procurement Grants



The Carbon Utilization Procurement Grants program will help offset 50% of the costs to states, local governments, and public utilities or agencies to procure and use products developed through the conversion of captured carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide emissions. The commercial or industrial products to be procured and used under these grants must demonstrate a significant net reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to incumbent products via a life cycle analysis (LCA).

Notice of Intent Solar Module and Solar Hardware (SMASH) Incubator


Clean Energy, Grid Modernization and Transmission, Manufacturing, Solar

This NOFO seeks to address the lack of sufficient private investment that is available to successfully commercialize research and development (R&D) and research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) activities and bring innovative solar photovoltaic (PV) technology to market. Prime recipients of awards funded through this NOFO will be for-profit entities, with institutions of higher education, for-profit entities, nonprofit entities, state and local governmental entities, and federally recognized Indian Tribes as eligible subrecipients to provide technical expertise, technology know-how, and technical validation capabilities.

RFI National Landscape of High-Impact Crosscutting Opportunities for Next Generatio…



The National Landscape of High-Impact Crosscutting Opportunities for Next Generation Harsh Environment Materials (HEMs) and Manufacturing Process Research, Development, and Demonstration identifies the highest impact investment opportunities for high-performance materials designed for harsh service environments. Advanced, high-performance HEM components with extended life and higher reliability are needed to achieve energy efficiency gains, emissions reductions, and lowered overall costs through improvements in electric energy production/conversion, energy storage, and energy utilization technologies.The purpose of this RFI is to solicit feedback from industry, academia, research laboratories, government agencies, and other stakeholders to ensure AMMTO’s technology assessments within this space are optimally positioned to allow investments that address the major opportunities and challenges.

RFI Wide Bandgap Power Electronics Strategic Framework


Grid Modernization and Transmission, Manufacturing

AMMTO is seeking input on its draft strategic framework, to improve its accuracy and value to the PE industry. This request for information (RFI) outlines the information DOE AMMTO is seeking from the public to inform the development of its Power Electronics Strategic Framework. Responses to this RFI will be used as input to update the draft framework. Both the RFI responses and the draft framework will be used by DOE to help shape key decisions concerning the future of the AMMTO Power Electronics program and its impact. AMMTO is specifically interested in feedback on the initial version of the power electronics strategic framework that accompanies this RFI.