Energy & Sustainability
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Energy & Sustainability Washington Updates – December 2020
November 25, 2020| Article
MLS Election Update: Clean Tech, Energy & Environment
November 9, 2020| Blog
Read about how the administration of President-Elect Joe Biden could shape clean tech, energy, and environmental policy in a divided government.
Energy & Sustainability Washington Updates – October 2020
September 28, 2020| Article
Energy & Sustainability Washington Updates – September 2020
August 28, 2020| Article
Energy & Sustainability Washington Updates – August 2020
July 27, 2020| Article
Energy & Sustainability Washington Updates — July 2020
June 30, 2020| Article
ML Strategies and Mintz continue to engage with key decision makers on various energy and sustainability matters before the Congress and Administration. Federal efforts on these issues have continued apace as part of and separately from the federal response to the coronavirus pandemic.
Energy & Sustainability Washington Updates — June 2020
May 27, 2020| Article
While Congress and the Administration spent much of May working to address the economic, social, and public health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was still significant activity on energy and sustainability-related matters.
Energy & Sustainability Washington Updates — May 2020
April 29, 2020| Article
Energy & Sustainability Washington Updates — May 2020
Energy & Sustainability Washington Updates — April 2020
April 14, 2020| Article
With the emergence of the coronavirus pandemic over the past month as a major public health and economic crisis, the primary focus on Capitol Hill has been on passage of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Stimulus (CARES) Act, which was signed into law by President Trump on March 27. However, there were other developments on energy and sustainability policy on Capitol Hill and in the Administration.
Energy & Sustainability Washington Updates — March 2020
March 5, 2020| Article
Read the latest energy policy updates coming out of the Capitol, including updates on the president’s 2020 fiscal year budget request, new energy legislation, and the recent State of the Union Address.
Energy & Sustainability Washington Updates — February 2020
February 6, 2020| Article
Read about the House Democrats’ $760 billion infrastructure proposal as well as the CLEAN Future Act and other new energy legislation.
2020 Congressional Highlights
January 15, 2020| Advisory
Energy & Sustainability Washington Updates — January 2020
January 9, 2020| Article
Read about new energy legislation in Congress, the extension of various federal energy tax provisions, and the swearing in of the new Secretary of Energy.
Energy & Sustainability Washington Updates — December 2019
December 2, 2019| Article
Congress returns to Washington the week of December 2 for a short work period of two weeks, although additional legislative days may be added to the calendar as the House and Senate work to conclude several matters before the end of the year. Items on the agenda include Fiscal Year 2020 appropriations, the annual National Defense Authorization Act, and a potential year-end omnibus legislative package that would include various bills.
Energy & Sustainability Washington Updates — November 2019
October 31, 2019|
November opens on Capitol Hill with the Senate in session the first week while the House is in a district work period. Both chambers are in session the weeks of November 11 and November 18, before breaking for the week of Thanksgiving. There are only 16 remaining legislative days in the year where both the House and Senate will be in session at the same time.
Energy & Sustainability Washington Updates – October 2019
October 2, 2019| Article
Congress returned from the annual August recess on September 9 for a three-week work period before returning home for a district work period the first two weeks of October.
Transportation & Infrastructure in the 116th Congress
December 17, 2018| Advisory
FY2019 Massachusetts Budget Update: Final Senate Budget
May 30, 2018| Alert
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