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2024 Pre-Election Analysis

The last several weeks of unexpected and unprecedented political events have thrown even more confusion into the U.S. presidential election. While the outcome of a now Harris-versus-Trump race is maybe even more uncertain, we do believe that the policy positions are relatively well-defined from each candidate. Each week we dive into a particular topic and break down each candidate's stance. We’ll also cover what to expect from Democratic and Republican leaders on Capitol Hill in the 119th Congress.

2024 Pre-Election Analysis Topics

Pre-Election Analysis- Energy and Sustainability

How will the outcome of the 2024 presidential election impact the legislative and regulatory landscape in energy & sustainability policy? We explore the impact of a Kamala Harris or Donald Trump presidency in the legislative and regulatory landscape in a variety of areas.

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2024 Pre-Election Analysis-Cross Border

We explore some of the most pressing cross-border issues between the United States and Canada that will be tackled by the next administration and 119th Congress, focusing on energy, infrastructure, tax, trade, and technology.

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Announces Promotion

We explore some of the key tax policy proposals put forth by former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris as they seek the presidency and highlights what we can expect on Capitol Hill from key leaders on tax policy in the 119th Congress.

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Health Care Issues

We explore the different health care priorities that may be pursued by the presidential candidates Donald Trump and Kamala Harris in the latest edition of our 2024 Pre-Election Analysis series on how the November 2024 election will impact the legislative and regulatory landscape.

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2024 Pre-Election Analysis: Energy and Sustainability

The 2024 election has the potential to usher in significant changes that could dramatically reshape the nation’s energy policy. With growing concerns over climate change, economic growth, and energy security at the forefront, the outcome of this election at both the presidential and congressional levels will dictate to what degree the United States pursues aggressive renewable energy initiatives, embraces new technologies, or continues to support traditional fossil fuel industries. The stakes are high with implications that extend far beyond the political sphere and regulated industries, communities, and the environment nationwide.

Harris Administration Energy Policy

Vice President Kamala Harris' energy policy would largely build upon the foundations laid during the Biden administration, characterized by promoting clean energy, addressing climate change through international cooperation, advocating for environmental justice, and supporting a robust regulatory agenda to protect the environment and public health.

Read More About the Harris Administration Energy Policy

Trump Administration Energy Policy

In a second Trump administration, energy policy would likely continue to reflect the priorities and approaches seen during his first term, which emphasized deregulation, promoting domestic production, and reducing dependence on foreign energy sources.

Read More About the Trump Administration Energy Policy

Learn More About Energy and Sustainability Policy

2024 Pre-Election Analysis: US-Canada Cross-Border Issues

the relationship between the United States and Canada remains a cornerstone of North American stability and prosperity. However, the landscape of cross-border interactions is evolving rapidly, influenced by a combination of economic shifts, technological advancements, and environmental concerns.

Based on historical positions, we can anticipate where Republican candidate Donald Trump and Democratic candidate Kamala Harris might steer US policies on cross-border issues if elected. Congressional action will hinge on which of the parties controls the House and Senate. A divided government could lead to stalemate or compromise, impeding either party's ability to fully implement their priorities.

Learn More About US-Canada Cross-Border Issues

2024 Pre-Election Analysis: Tax Issues

This pre-election analysis from ML Strategies explores some of the key tax policy proposals put forth by former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris as they seek the presidency and highlights what we can expect on Capitol Hill from key leaders on tax policy in the 119th Congress.

Whether you’re a concerned taxpayer, a business owner, or just interested in how politics might affect your organization’s financial landscape, understanding these tax policy debates is crucial as you prepare for the future.

Learn More About Tax Issues

2024 Pre-Election Analysis: Health Care Issues

The next administration and the 119th Congress have the potential to shape the future of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Medicare (including the new Medicare drug price negotiation program), Medicaid, abortion and contraception rights, pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) reform, and health equity issues, among other issues.

This pre-election analysis from ML Strategies explores the different health care priorities that may be pursued by the next administration and 119th Congress.

Learn More About Health Care Issues

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