ML Strategies Publishes Washington Outlook for 2016
Earlier today, my colleagues at ML Strategies published the Washington Outlook for 2016, offering their insights about what we might expect from Capitol Hill and the Administration in the coming year. The Outlook covers a wide range of issues and includes a preview of the US legislative agenda as well as a look at the Obama Administration’s regulatory plans.
Also, check out the Outlook’s Appendix for an election season cheat sheet, including the dates of the US state primaries and lists of the important Senate and House races to watch, as well as the 2016 House and Senate calendars.
With regard to health care, it is likely that the Administration’s signature health care law will continue to be at the forefront of its domestic agenda. ML Strategies says that we should expect additional activity on targeted bipartisan reform efforts to modify the ACA. Issues include:
- The “30-hour work week” fix.
- The Simplifying Technical Aspects Regarding Seasonality Act, or the “STARS Act,” which would exempt seasonal employees from the definition of “full time employee” of the ACA’s employer mandate.
- The “Small Business Healthcare Relief Act,” which would allow for small businesses with fewer than 50 employees that do not offer health insurance coverage to establish a health reimbursement arrangement.
- Efforts to address rising insurance prices in the exchanges, which could include efforts to modify insurance “rating,” or pricing rules.
The Outlook also includes detailed discussion on a number of initiatives we have been following in 2015:
- 21st Century Cures Act
- Senate Chronic Care Initiative
- Mental Health Reform
- Rising Costs of Prescription Drugs
- Medicare Dependent Hospital (MDH) Program
- Electronic Cigarettes
- Opioids
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