ML Strategies: Health Care Update & Telehealth Policy Alert
Yesterday, ML Strategies posted its Health Care Update and Telehealth Policy Alert. This publication provides timely information for those who are already in, or contemplating entering, the telehealth space.
Key legislative initiatives so far this year include the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) repeal, which addressed several aspects of telehealth policy, the 21st Century Cures Initiative, the Telehealth Enhancement Act, and the Senate chronic care working group. Although many of these initiatives do not go as far as some stakeholders would like to address the barriers to widespread implementation of telehealth, the Alert notes that larger legislative efforts appear to be underway that would expand Medicare reimbursement for telehealth.
In addition to legislative initiatives, the Obama Administration has been active in the area of telehealth. In March, CMS unveiled its “Next Generation ACO” program that promises flexibility around Medicare telehealth rules. And the FDA and FTC have provided guidance on the regulation of medical device data systems.
These congressional and administrative initiatives (as well as several others) are discussed in detail in the Alert and highlight current opportunities for stakeholders to consider for shaping the future of telehealth.
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