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The Alliance for Medical Device Innovators

ML Strategies


Date: September 30, 2020

Location: Webinar

On Wednesday, September 30th, Frank Guinta, Aaron Josephson, and David Rothkopf of MEDIcept, hosted a webinar introducing the Alliance for Medical Device Innovators. This new alliance helps small- and medium-sized medical device companies navigate federal and state governments to expand and protect their markets. Topics covered in this webinar include: 

  • Defining and successfully executing a strategy for dealing with the FDA (marketing authorization), CMS (coverage), DoD, and other federal agencies who may be gatekeepers or customers for your products
  • Leveraging federal policies and programs related to coronavirus/COVID-19, including funding for treatments and manufacturing 
  • Improving access to federal and state grant money, enabling more research and development and ultimately marketing of novel devices for various health conditions
  • Crafting legislation or other policy deliverables (e.g., regulations, guidance documents) to create a favorable policy environment for a product or company
  • Improving federal and state policymaker awareness about innovative medical device companies and their products and how they can be used to help solve public health and public policy challenges

For more information regarding the Alliance for Medical Device Innovators, please contact Frank or Aaron.


Frank Guinta

Frank C. Guinta


Frank C. Guinta is Senior Vice President of ML Strategies. He is based in Washington, DC. Before joining the firm, Frank represented New Hampshire’s 1st congressional district in the US House of Representatives.


David Rothkopf


President and Managing Partner, MEDIcept